The 30 Day Transformation Challenge
Challenge your body & mind with a variety of fun fitness challenges that will have you looking fit & fantastic in 30 days.
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Not the gym type or can’t stand going to the gym numerous times a week?
Can’t discipline yourself to do fitness videos on a regular basis?
What you really need is a month-long fitness challenge… something that tells you exactly what to do every day and guides you step-by-step on how to do it.
This Fun 30-Day Fitness Challenge includes:
· Weekly done-for-you workout plans
· Healthy eating guides
· Accountability tracking
· A kick ass prize
It’s great whether you have a gym membership or not!
Your Instructor
The Elite Trainer of the East Coast, Jamal not only is in walking proof of how effective his training and knowledge is but he is also the most caring trainer. His clients boast not only his results they achienved but also his support and encouragement.